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Support during study at University of Ljubljana

Studying brings many changes to your life. Some of them are inspiring, enjoyable and interesting, but there may also be some that will challenge you, which can have an impact on your mental health. There are many things you can do yourself to make studying easier and more enjoyable

Mental health problems can affect concentration, motivation and our ability to focus on the tasks at hand. With support, you can be successful in your studies.

  • Contact the contact person for students with disabilities and special statuses at your faculty or academy to find out with them what adjustments you can make to your studies.
    You may benefit from adaptations in the delivery of lectures, tutorials, seminars, practical training, fieldwork, laboratory work (e.g. special aids, the presence of an assistant, adapted assignments, timetables, etc.). You may also benefit from adaptations in the delivery of study materials (e.g. longer borrowing time in the library) or in the way you are tested and assessed.


  • Get a status of a student with a disability. 
    ​Don't wait until the end of the academic year when you have too many commitments and realise you need the status. Get it earlier - at the start of the academic year. The contact persons at faculties and academies can help you find out what you need.
  • Get in touch with one of the student buddies at the faculty or academy you are attending.
    Although the student buddy is not a mental health professional, he or she can be a good source of information about different aspects of the course and possible adjustments. You do not have to talk about your mental health problems when you meet with a buddy, but basic information can help the buddy to think about possible supports. A buddy can give you advice on study and other topics, inform you of your rights and responsibilities, and provide support for your studies.


  • Contact and consult the counsellors at the Psychosocail Conselling Centre of the University of Ljubljana.
  • Visit the various workshops at the University of Ljubljana Career Centres for career and personal growth. 
  • If you experience any kind of violence or ill-treatment, contact the confidential persons at individual faculties and academies.
  • You can also seek help from the Student Ombudsman who is responsible for ensuring an inclusive (study) environment.


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