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International Students and Alumni Transitioning into Slovenia's Job Market

Event for foreign students and alumni in Slovenia.

When17. 4. 2024 at 16.00
Where: The Faculty of Social Sciences, Large Hall (Fakulteta za družbene vede, Velika dvorana)


We are going to talk about how to get in touch with employers in Slovenia for student's work, what are your rights and obligations, how to get a job in Slovenia after finishing your studying as a foreign. Will give you some advices, also give some good practices from our guests.

Scene sequence: 16:00-18:30

16:00 – 16:05: Welcome speech

16:05 – 17:40: Introduction to round table

What are the possibilities and opportunities for internationa students and alumni dor a career in Slovenia?

Presentation of good practices and opportunities with representatives of employers, international students, alumni and other institutions

  • Vesna Milošević Zupaničič, e- študentski servis (e-student Service)
  • Sandi Meke, Zavod za zaposlovanje (Employment Service of Slovenia​)
  • Urška Janc, Marija Marchan, Cosylab
  • Asta Ostavnik, Kotsonis Avgoutinos and Tarcio Cesar Dos Santos Franca, Novartis
  • Kristijan Popovski, representive of the Macedonian Students organization in Slovenia

17:40 – 18:0: What are the steps:

  • For inclusion in student work? (Vesna Milošević Zupančič and Marta Sekelšek )
  • For employment in Slovenia after completing studies (Sandi Meke)


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