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What extracurricular activities does the University of Ljubljana offer?

By Mojca Rupert

The University of Ljubljana and its members provide various extracurricular activities, enabling students to acquire additional knowledge and experience, expand their social network and maintain mental and physical fitness. Numerous programmes of extracurricular activities are run within the Centre for Extracurricular Activities, which welcomes students from all University of Ljubljana members. Extracurricular activities include sports, arts and culture, volunteering and charity, welfare and social activities, health and environmental protection, research, science, and projects that are not part of the compulsory components of study programmes.

The current sports activities available at the University of Ljubljana include various programmes that differ in scope, quality, standards and purpose. This includes programmes from the Centre for Extracurricular Activities, elective courses at some University of Ljubljana members and competitive sports programmes organised under the umbrella of the University of Ljubljana Sports Association.

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The Centre for Extracurricular Activities offers:

  • sports programmes valued at 3 ECTS credits
  • daily sports and recreation programmes during both semesters and the exam period

Other extracurricular activities offered by Centre include:

  • arts and culture
  • volunteering and charity
  • welfare and social activities
  • health and environmental protection
  • research, science, and projects that are not part of the compulsory components of study programmes
  • activities in other relevant areas, such as teaching/professional work

Students can thus participate in a number of activities that promote a healthy lifestyle and strengthen their competencies. Activities have a monthly thematic focus, e.g. March is the month of culture and arts, April is the month of health, May is ecology month, etc. Every month we announce various events that raise awareness about a healthy lifestyle and environmental protection, strengthen skills and allow students to acquire new ones, provide space for networking and socialising and the transfer of experiences.

Given the diversity of fields and knowledge that the University of Ljubljana covers, students can also acquire knowledge from other fields through other credit-valued programmes delivered at various University of Ljubljana members. Are you studying pharmacy, but are aware that a sales manager at a pharmaceutical company also needs to learn how social networks work? Then you can choose a course in this area as part of your extracurricular activities and gain additional knowledge.

In addition to the study process, faculties and academies also carry out other activities that involve students through student associations, student councils and other student organisations. Students can use such activities to gain new knowledge, competencies and experience, and expand their social network, thus greatly increasing their employment prospects after graduation. If you want to combine the pleasant with the useful, join a student association that connects students in individual study programmes and/or students with similar interests. You can join various activities run by an association, be it publishing a newspaper, organising excursions or parties. Associations often organise study support for students, workshops, education, training, while some associations connect with employers and thus enable students to gain practical experience during their studies.

At the University of Ljubljana you can also have some non-formally acquired knowledge and skills recognised as counting towards enrolment requirements or towards the study requirements for the programme in which you are enrolled. Find out about these options at your faculty or academy. 

Stay up to date with extracurricular activities via our Facebook and Instagram profiles, and learn about events through the POPR student portal. Join us!