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Student mobility

By Tamara Boh

Student mobility is a great opportunity for broadening your horizons and personal development. It is a rich experience that will become a lasting memory.

Going abroad, whether briefly or for a long period of time, can be quite stressful, but also fun and exciting. Make sure you make the most of the time spent abroad.

Remember that the purpose of your exchange is to gain new knowledge and experiences, so take your studies seriously. But don’t worry, there will still be time for fun.


Set goals for yourself and make a plan on how to achieve them.

Plan your study mobility ahead of time. Why did you decide to study abroad? What do you want to gain? What experiences are you looking for? Before choosing a university, a study programme, or a city, take some time to think about your goals. Maybe it’s learning a foreign language, achieving a specific study goal, or creating better career opportunities. There are no right or wrong answers, but even if you simply want to gain experience, it’s worth thinking carefully about what you want to achieve, see, and do. We advise you to follow the calls on the websites of the University of Ljubljana and its members.

When you are abroad, keep track of your goals and think how you will achieve them. Without a plan, there is a risk that time will pass too quickly. So get on with your goals as soon as possible.

Socialise and get to know as many people as possible, not just your peers who are also on exchange.

Don’t spend too much time in your room chatting with your family and friends at home. Head out, meet people and explore your new city and country. Be active, sign up for events and activities organised by the host university. You can only experience studying abroad here and now.

The more people you meet, the more you will learn to appreciate diversity. You will discover and get to know other cultures and gain a wide range of competencies for personal and professional growth.

Create new opportunities.

You might find lifelong friends and meet a future business partner or even your life partner.

Remember to update your CV with information about studying abroad or an internship you may have taken during that time. Above all, consider what competencies you have acquired and write them down.

Data show that young people who study or train abroad find employment much more quickly than those without international experience. They are quicker to adapt to new circumstances and better at solving problems.

There is a broad range of international opportunities that are suited to everyone.

In addition to study exchanges abroad, the well-known Erasmus+ programme also enables young people to gain practical training and work experience. UL students can undertake Erasmus+ work placements already in the first year of study, and up to 12 months after graduation, regardless of their level of study. Contact the Erasmus+ coordinator at your member institution for more information. Start by looking at the frequently asked questions at the university website or click this link below:

FAQ -students-questions-answers (2).pdf

The Central European CEEPUS networks also offer international mobility programmes, based on bilateral agreements and university associations of which UL is a member. Remember to check the various mobility opportunities within the EUTOPIA alliance.

As part of a worldwide consortium of 20 universities and with a campus on the island of San Servolo in Venice, Venice International University also provides student exchange opportunities, including a range of choices within its globalisation programme for undergraduate and master’s students (eligible for Erasmus+ support), summer and winter schoolsacademy for doctoral students, and various thematic seminars. You may have decided where to go, but the problem is the cost. Check out other scholarship opportunities.

Co-financing of scientific research mobility

Studying abroad is an opportunity to learn about different cultures and traditions, and above all to step out of your comfort zone. You learn about yourself by experiencing new and unpredictable situations and searching for solutions. In this way, you become more independent and responsible and gain valuable work and general life experience.

Mobility is an opportunity to see the world and grow. You will probably have fond memories of this time in your life, so make the most of it and don’t forget to have a good time!