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Connecting with employers

By Tina Kozic Kolšek, mag.

Networking refers to developing, establishing and maintaining contact with people. Social networking gives you access to information about employment opportunities, ensures you’re informed and in touch with the current situation in the industry and the labour market, enables you to get advice and contacts, and connects you to other people. Networking provides access to information that you would not discover on your own.

You’ll already form a network of contacts during your studies, so take advantage of the many opportunities available to you.

  • (Virtual) career open houses at faculties, academies and other organisations, which in addition to company presentations often include employer speed dating
  • Meetings with alumni and alumni presentations on career paths
  • Student visits to work environments and employer presentations at faculties/academies
  • Round tables, consultations, professional meetings and other events
  • A regularly updated LinkedIn profile
  • Registration in the AlumniUL digital platform, which connects experts from different fields that are willing to be mentors or informers for career beginners
  • Active involvement in classes and extracurricular activities, so that your professors can better remember you and can recommend you to potential employers  
  • Participation in student associations and organisations, so that you’ll get to know your colleagues better and establish long-term cooperation with them
  • A positive attitude towards work and professional communication while performing student work or on your internship

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Start gradually

If you’re more introverted and don’t enjoy networking with strangers, start by making contacts with professors and colleagues at the faculty/academy. Create a LinkedIn profile and add people to your network as you go along. 

Connect with alumni from your faculty/academy

As mentioned above, join the AlumniUL platform, where you have access to experts in your field of work. You can exchange your views on shared challenges, current career opportunities, and innovations within your field.

Build your self-confidence

Every time you step through a door and meet someone new, you boost your self-confidence and communication skills.

From acquaintance to long-lasting friendship

Although the purpose of networking is to develop professional relationships, some work-based relationships may grow into lifelong friendships. 

“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” Brene Brown


Source: The Benefits of Networking at University, available at:, November 2020.