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Ne spreglej naših e-novic

Da ti ne bo ušel noben dogodek ali dobra karierna priložnost, se prijavi na naš e-novičnik. Ne pozabi preveriti, ali je zašel med neželeno pošto (se zgodi!).

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Get to know yourself

Before you finally decide on a particular study or profession, you need to figure out what interests you, as well as what your strengths and your weaknesses are. The easiest way to do this is to try to get to know yourself, your abilities and qualities, and the interests, values and motives that are important to you and that you are striving to realise in your everyday life and work. Values affect what motivates and fulfils you in your work.

Good self-assessment includes a review of your values, interests, personality traits, and abilities, which you can achieve with various questionnaires, tools and approaches that can help you in making decisions and that are also available online. It is worth noting that the results of online questionnaires should be taken only as a starting point for further reflection about your career, not as a strict definition of who you are (“compartmentalisation”), because a range of dimensions run through everyone and the only difference among us is that some dimensions are dominant and define us in some way.

We have put together a selection of useful resources and tips on how to tackle self-assessment, while inviting you to attend a workshop or request guidance from your career adviser. 

Studenti_get to know yourself