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Študent v računovodstvu/student in accounting (m/f)

Vrsta priložnosti: Študentsko delo

Organizacija: Cosylab d.d.

Datum zaključka: 07.10.2024

Povzetek priložnosti: Študentsko delo / Student work

Več informacij in prijava prek POPR-a:

Join our team of students from EF, FRI, FE, FMF and other faculties!
At Cosylab, we are happy to receive students’ applications and are delighted to see your interest in gaining student experience with us.

• Do you want to gain knowledge and experience in accounting?
• Are you interested in working in an international environment?
• Do you have at least 15 hours per week that you can spend with us, so we can help you turn your theoretical knowledge into practice?

If you answered yes to at least one question, then keep on reading!

Who are we looking for?

If you wish to gain work experience in accounting – Cosylab is the right place for you 😊.

We are looking for

  • precise,
  • curious,
  • knowledge-seeking,
  • and motivated students.

You will help with

  • entry of received invoices into the document management system (DMS), verification of the correctness of received invoices, communication with senders of received invoices in cases of deficiencies,
  • preparation of expense reports for subsidiary companies,
  • entry and management of contacts (suppliers, customers),
  • review and preparation of open items for customers/suppliers (IOP).
  • assistance in the preparation of documentation for the annual audit.

What do we offer?

From student work to your first job and career path tailored to individual wishes:
  • Mentoring and direct knowledge transfer.
  • A work environment with flexible working hours and the possibility of occasional remote work.
  • High-impact learning culture: regular in-house and external training sessions and a team of international professionals eager to help you grow.
  • Work-life balance culture.
  • Many recreational after-work activities, Monday’s pancakes, unlimited coffee, soft drinks, fruit, team building, picnics and other well-being goodies.
  • Casual atmosphere with friendly faces where you can completely "be yourself”.

Steps to becoming a student Cosylaber

  • Step 1: Application
  • Step 2: Evaluation
  • Step 3: Interview 1
  • Step 4: Interview 2
  • Step 5: You are a student Cosylaber
Due to the nature of our work, we are looking for students who will enjoy our culture and working with us because we build long-term relationships with our Cosylabers.
If the satisfaction is on both sides, after finishing your studies you become a Cosylab employee!

Did we pique your interest? Want to be a part of our team? Apply now!

We can’t wait to read your CV, your reasons to join our team and what makes you who you are!

Send your application here and be one step closer to becoming a true Cosylaber!